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ApprEciative Inquiry

... or how to solve a problem based on what is already working well and

gives results!

Appreciative Inquiry is a practical approach to explore the strengths of a system to enable it to consolidate and build its future.


Appreciative Inquiry is a method for supporting organizational changes. Thanks to this method, the organization will be able to rely on what is already working. Participants will identify how they do when they are successful . This process operates a complete paradigm shift as it breaks with traditional problem-solving approaches that aim to look at what is missing to be successful and focus on the weaknesses of the organization.



  • Develop a vision, an ambition, an attractive and stimulating project for everyone, in line with the actions already carried out.

  • Appreciate the successes, the points of support and the motivations related to the ambition. We start from the strong assumption that in every human system there is something that works well.

  • Deploy what works and motivates participants to build the future.



  • Encourage the organization by stimulating and developing its potential.

  • Generate desire and motivation through a participatory and voluntary approach at all levels of the organization.

  • Cultivate an attitude of "openness": giving up for a moment what we know to make room for the discovery and appreciation of what is successful. Welcome the surprise!

  • Adopt an appreciative posture along the way: welcoming, open-minded, strength-seeking, creative imagination, provocative ideas, a sense of outcome, caring and trust.

  • Develop confidence in the future. Individuals have more confidence in their future (the unknown) if they bring with them elements of the present (what is known). If we take elements of the present with us into our future, it is better to take the positive ones!

  • Focus on action and results to make the decisions you make come alive.

  • Search and identify resources in each person,  in the organization and its environment.

  • Stimulate vision and creativity.

Applications of an Appreciative Inquiry approach

  • Assessment of a situation
  • Change management

  • Team cohesion

  • Innovation for a better organization

  • Management and leadership development

  • Work organization and activities

  • Communications

  • Conventions

​The method takes place in 5 phases and allows great flexibility

  • Perimeter from "ground" to "summit"of the organization

  • Minimum group size: from 2!

  • Maximum group size: no known limits to date (an approach has already been made with 5000 people)

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